Case 1: Restylane Lyft for facial rejuvenation (cheeks, temples, chin) and Juvederm Volbella for lip augmentation by Dr. Sodha
Case 2: Restylane Refyne for lip augmentation by Dr. Sodha
Case 3: Restylane Lyft for facial rejuvenation (cheeks) and Restylane Kysse for lip augmentation by Dr. Sodha
Case 4: Restylane Lyft and Vollure for facial rejuvenation (temples, cheeks, chin) by Dr. Sodha

Left: Pre-Treatment
Right: Two Weeks Post-Treatment
Case 5: Neuromodulator (Botox) for forehead, glabella, gummy smile

Top: Pre-Treatment
Bottom: Two Weeks Post-Treatment

Top: Pre-Treatment
Bottom: Two Weeks Post-Treatment
Case 6: Neuromodulator (Botox) to masseter muscle for jawline and facial contouring by Dr. Sodha

Left: Pre-Treatment
Right: Three Months Post-Treatment
Case 7: Restylane-L for tear trough correction and Restylane Lyft for facial rejuvenation (cheeks) and chin augmentation by Dr. Sodha
Case 8: Juvederm Voluma for facial rejuvenation (cheeks, nasolabial folds, chin) by Dr. Sodha
Case 9: Restylane Refyne, Restylane Defyne for facial rejuvenation of nasolabial folds, chin and lips by Dr. Sodha