Body Contouring and Fat Reduction


CoolSculpting® is an effective, nonsurgical treatment for reducing stubborn fat on the waist, abdomen, arms, flanks, and other areas of the body (back, bra fat, and below the buttocks). The science behind this procedure comes from an observation first reported in 1902 and later referred to as cold-induced panniculitis or popsicle panniculitis. These clinical observations led prominent researchers to utilize targeted cold therapy to selectively destroy fat cells without injury to the surface of the skin or adjacent tissue.

This procedure allows you to achieve a more contoured shape without surgery or anesthesia. Each treatment can last one to two hours or more depending on the size of the area to be treated, and, during treatment, most patients can be positioned comfortably enough to read or work on a laptop.

Optimal results are achieved at 2-4 months and results can be maintained with healthy diet and regular exercise. After the procedure some patients experience redness, tingling, bruising or numbness in the treated areas, but these are temporary and not experienced by all patients.

This procedure can be combined with other laser and injectable procedures.

To learn more and schedule your CoolSculpting® consultation, please contact us.


Kybella® is a FDA-approved injectable treatment that destroys fat cells under the chin to reduce the fullness and provides a more contoured profile in men and women. This nonsurgical approach achieves results with a series of injections. The active ingredient in Kybella is deoxycholic acid, which occurs naturally in the body and helps to breakdown fat. Once the cells have been destroyed, they can no longer accumulate fat. Multiple treatments may be necessary and can be performed one month apart. Most patients are able to return to work the next day and experience swelling, bruising, or temporary numbness. Optimal results are achieved over weeks to months. This treatment can be combined with CoolSculpting® and other laser procedures.

To learn more, and to see if Kybella® is right for you, please contact us.

 To learn more and request a consultation, please contact us.